About Andrew
Andrew’s background is educational leadership, having worked as a principal before launching Second Star.
Educational leadership is people-focused at it’s core. The entire mission and vision of educational institutions is people development, and it’s the process of people development from senior staff all the way through to the students in the classroom that generates results for a school.
By focusing on relationships, building a community of trust and cooperation, and realigning the school to core mission and values Andrew turned a struggling school around to grow 50% in five years. This was while also navigating his school through the tumultuous times of COVID which completely disrupted the educational landscape.
People focused, future focused, and always thinking “There must be a better way”, Andrew loves drawing out the richness of a team’s experience, learning and strengths to find the pathway to a better future.

Andrew will spend time with you getting to know you and your particular situation before offering tailored options to help get you where you need to go. This might be as simple as a team-building workshop to realign your team to their mission, or it might be a longer process combining coaching, workshops, facilitated discussions and more to roadmap and achieve your goals. It all comes down to you and your situation.
Engaging an external facilitator for some, or all, of this process allows you, the leader, to be part of the team driving these results rather than being distracted by the mechanics of the process. This doesn’t work for “top down” leaders, but people-focused leaders. These leaders know they don’t personally hold all the answers, and the best results are achieved when they able to function part of the team rather than the lid on the top.
If you believe in the potential of your team and want to partner with a people-focused facilitator who gets results reach out for a conversation. Andrew looks forward to getting to know you.
Get in touch if you’d like to know more about how Second Star can help you and your team.
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